Tuesday 11 November 2014

Understanding Interstellar - What's 5th Dimension?

Understanding Interstellar #interstellar

Pre-blog-script: If you have not watched the movie, do not read this blog.
Do come back here, once you watched it!

Does mankind have a future in stars? Are we supposed to live and die here?

Awe-Inspiring, Jaw-Dropping are the words to describe 'Interstellar'. A movie that lets you experience space travel, with a great visual appeal, putting you on the pilot's seat.

That said, let me jump into the #space-time - #5thDimension plot of this flick.

Cooper (Mathew McCaunaghey) is an astronaut turned farmer, lives by his daughter, Murph (Jessica), and his son, Tom. Professor Brand (Michael Caine), a NASA scientist, reveals the extinction of human race, due to depletion of oxygen and the storms of dust. The last ever grown crop on Earth will be corn.

He devises Plan A and Plan B.

Plan A is where humans need to be transported to other habitable planets in other solar systems. For plan A to work, professor needs to solve unsolvable gravitational anomalies without which transport of humans becomes impossible. To solve this, professor needs data to be sent from the #Blackhole. There are few planets that is possible for human habitation and #astronauts are already in those planets researching the capability of habitation. Dr. Mann (Matt Demon) is one of them.

Plan B is to send astronauts to habitable planets and evolve colonies to protect civilization.

Here is where Cooper, the best pilot NASA has, is roped in along with other space explorers to drive a spaceship along with Brand's daughter, other co., and TARS, the computer that could send this data.

This is when the wormhole magically shows up near Saturn and that eases Plan A. Who drops this wormhole? as told by the professor, 'THEY'

    - A #wormhole is a theoretical Astrophysics concept which has space time bent in such a way you could reach other side of the universe in no time. 
This is theoretically possible because space with all the stars, galaxies, dust, matter is warped.

Cooper and others travel through this wormhole to land in a planet that they see is inhabitable. They don't have enough fuel and TIME to research other planets.
TIME is essence here because few minutes spent on this planet is 23 years time on earth.
TIME dilates in space and differs depending on gravity, motion of the object in space-time. Cooper and co., needs to find salvation for the humans on earth and return back to Earth to avoid human extinction.
This is where Cooper decides to enter a super-massive Blackhole. 

    - A black hole is stellar-mass of matter with super-super-massive gravity in it's singularity. Even light can't escape into this beast. Gravity is sucked till it's last force. Nothing comes out of a Blackhole. What's at the other end of a black hole is unknown, even mathematically, to theoretical physicists of our world.
Cooper goes into this Blackhole along with TARS only to enter a physical world !!!

Cooper is in the 5th dimension of space and the plot/salvation for humans is unveiled here.
    - To understand dimensions of the world
    0(zero) Dimension - Consider this a .(dot) (point with no width, height or length) is a point of singularity.
    1 Dimension - A line drawn between 2 points (no height or width)
    2 Dimension - When you add width to the line. Think of this as flat surface where you have different ends on each side. The wall before you is 2D where you can walk to different ends of the wall.
    3 Dimension - When you add different planes stacked up over and over. Essentially this is the world we see and perceive. If the wall you see has a depth (stacked planes of walls over and over...). A balloon that's with inflated space/air in it.
    4 Dimension - TIME. 'What' were you doing an hour back, half-hour back, 10 minutes back and now you'r reading the blog. 
           'What' were you when you were born few years back. 
           If you consider this 'What' or yourself as an object in plane of 'TIME', and you stack up yourself in this timescale? this is the 4th dimension.
           Think of this as different milestones in your life and the object you were in those milestones stacked up at different time.

    5th Dimension - This is the world shown in the movie as soon as Cooper enters the Blackhole. TIME is a physical entity in this 5th dimension ie., You can walk from 'Time' to 'Time'. There are different manifestations of yourself/'object' in different timelines. 
       As an example, think of 3 timeline planes' in your life from your birth. 
       - 1st timeline is when you joined a school, an engineering college, living in America.
       - 2nd timeline is when you dropped out of school, worked at a garage, living in Australia.
       - 3rd timeline is when you joined a school, skipped college, a Farmer living in India.
       If you were to see such INFINITE timelines and the manifestations of yourself in all these timelines and the possibility to see the future in each of the timeline, deciding to go to a particular timeline? ;)

       This is the 5th dimension walking through back and forth time ! Past and Future !
     Cooper sees this infinite timelines from the point of his daughter, Murphy's bookcase stacked in different timelines. At this point, Cooper wishes to send 'THAT' message to Murph to solve the gravitational anomalies making it possible to crack the equation.

     When Cooper is awakened, he sees humans living in stations near Saturn. This lets us understand that Murph solved the equation and knows to transport humans into space beating gravity!

     'THEY', as I understand, who dropped the wormhole near Saturn, are the 'US' who traveled into the future to determine the course of future! 'THEY' are the beings in the 5th dimension. Simply put, those 'beings' in the 5th dimension can choose different Time in any timeline. So, 'THEY' choose a TIME in the timeline for 'beings'(Cooper and Murph) in 3D world to communicate how to transcend gravity. When Cooper enters the #BlackHole, there are different timelines shown, and all of them show a point in TIME (Murph's bedroom).

It is important to understand that human beings on Earth have evolved to live ONLY UNDER GRAVITY and therefore the necessity for 3D beings to live beyond the influence of gravity. Nolan brings this understanding by showing the buildings in Cooper's Space Station turned upside down. Nolan's sheer brilliance!

     I could not understand certain parts of the movie and the dialogues, but stunning visuals of the worm hole, black hole makes it up and is a great retreat to watch. Those highly luminous star dust around black hole with light bent and those spherical worm holes to show that galaxies are warped in worm holes gets a dumb space science lover like me to jaw-drop.

 Nolan steals my heart with visuals. The family drama between father-daughter is a bit stretched, however, Nolan uses this love as a medium to send the message to Murph.

Nolan does it! Again! 

The official trailer from the movie team:

Disclaimer: The views reported above are true to my understanding of the movie and it solely expresses my view with excitement.


Unknown said...

super blog, esp. u explained the dimensions too good... most of it is as I understood too, except the THEY part...if it is US who created the wormhole, how did we survive to create one without Cooper's help, also if we assume it were the embryo's Brand setup on new planets that evolved later to travel into future, w/o wormhole it was not possible in first place...also no one entered blackhole till then except Cooper to know what it has and no one can later as wormhole exists no more...so all leads to a paradox.. for me THEY is not WE but some other power, the Hand of God or Power of Love and Emotions that transcends all dimensions... i read many theories online but none explains the paradox satisfactorily..

Sathish Sitharthan said...

Good one. Specially the 1 -5 dimensions explanations. Too good....

ramkumar said...

Very good article Chaku.. only a science enthusiast can write this ... particularly the part explaining dimensions makes easier for people who are not very much intersted about science(like me :))....

my comments :-

Murph is not annehathaway ....

one thing to note is , inside the blackhole, Cooper could see everything what happend from the begining except what is going to happen in future !!!....

in a scene we see that its cooper from future ("They !!!") who shakes hand with annehathaway who is sitting besides cooper at present ....this is a resemblence to our tradition where we worship ancestors who left this world...we can assume that they left the present ....

An indirect message the movie gives is ... its damn tough beyond our imagination to find another habitable planet like ours(with water oxygen,treees,food etc..)... so let each humanbeing eat,live,love, enjoy and die without destroying the ecological balance in this world....lets not use nueclar,hydrogen,oxygen bomb to kill each other and call that human race is developed in thinking....

I had seen in a video "Earth the power of planet " this explains how forces like "volcano,ice,ocean,atmosphere,moon,also other planets surrounding " makes this planet viable for life and man simply destroying its ecological balance at his will... he would conclude it by saying "Let man destroy the world's capability of sustaining life... the result would be all the living things in the world would cease to exist but the earth would not as its tougher and faced greatest catastrophies which we could not even imagine... it would come back and start with single cell organism... but its just the matter of time...."

one more thought ... in a scene the sceintist would be testing the corns in the lab....
In my view , we cannot simulate the scenario of "what a plant undergoes for 365 days in a garden" inside closed walls of air-conditioned lab , ...this is the reason the cheimcal pesticides developed at labs do not consider all the possibilities of crops grown in field.this is the reason our natural farming sceintist Nammazvar left the govt research job on agriculture .. he says "instead of doing research about plants in the field we do research in closed walls , its a big mistake" ..

Chakravarthy Varaga said...

@Chandrakant - I don't see a paradox here. The 'THEY' are the beings in the 5th dimension. They are 'US' who have transcended into the 5th dimension where Time is a physical entity. Simply put, those 'beings' in the 5th dimension can choose different Time in any timeline. So, 'THEY' choose a TIME in the timeline for 'beings'(Cooper and Murph) in 3D world to communicate how to transcend gravity. If you look at where Cooper ends up, there are different timelines, and all of them show a point in TIME (Murph's bedroom).
It is important to understand that human beings on Earth have evolved to live ONLY UNDER GRAVITY and therefore the necessity for 3D beings to live beyond the influence of gravity. That's why Cooper's Space Station has buildings all over space and upside down ;)

Chakravarthy Varaga said...

@Ramkumar - Thanks for your comments Ram. Agree the hidden message is to save our planet. I will watch the video that you recommended.

Unknown said...

That was a interesting blog.. The way you have narrated is simply Superb..

I too watched the movie. One thing which I'm not clear is...

5th dimension itself is beyond the horizon and Imagination.. Hats off to the directors thinking..

Cooper and the others are travelling in the present world through the wormhole to reach the other planet where 1 hr will be 23 years of the current Earth life.

Their travel is not an imagination. But as humans though we travel from time to time our physical hormones and ageing doesn't change as per science. In this scenario how come their physical appearance remains same even after 124 yrs.

Overall the Movie is worth the money and only science lovers can love the movie..